Tuesday 16 December 2008

The Blades FINALE

The Blades have now confirmed that they will provide a singleton aircraft as the finale to the fly2help - Aerobatic Challenge Weekend.

The Blades are the UK’s hottest formation display team and the world’s only globally accredited aerobatic airline, who consist of 4 of the country’s most accomplished aerobatic pilots, and have all served as front-line fast jet pilots and Red Arrows in the Royal Air Force. With a combined total of over 25,000 hours they have flown in the most challenging of single seat aircraft. It is with this wealth of experience that The Blades continue to impress celebrities, aviators and the public alike.
The Team fly the outstanding, high performance 2-seat Extra 300 LPs, turning harder and tighter than anyone else, making their award winning 12 minute display a breathtaking collection of opposition passes, gyroscopic tumbles and close formation manoeuvres that have never before been seen.

Brand new during the 2008 display, Blades 1 and 4 attempt to defy the laws of Aerodynamics by flipping the Extra ‘end over end’ whilst still in formation in the Twin Tumbles. Blades 2 and 3 have also spiced up their routine with more head to head knife edge passes, breaks and stalls but that’s not it… Blade 4 is planning to have something secret up his sleeve… this is one not to be missed!

A huge thank you must go to Kat, Chris, Andy and the Team for their kind donation and indeed invaluable help and support. For further details on The Blades click here.

To donate to fly2help go to my justgiving page

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