Saturday 2 August 2008

TEAM GUINOT- Confirm Participation

Team Guinot are the first to confirm they are to participate in the fly2help Aerobatic Challenge Weekend, with a seat in the front of a Boeing Stearman Bi-plane. Based at the WWI airfield at RFC Rendcomb in Cirencester, Gloustershire, the Team are known on the Air Display circuit for their dazzling wingwalking displays. The Stearman, or Kaydet as it was also known as, was built in the United States in the 30's and 40's and was widely used as the country's primary basic trainer.

A huge thank you must go to Vic, Martyn and all the team for their kind help and support. To find out more about Team Guinot Click here
To donate to fly2help go to my justgiving page.

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